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shared:mission:the_call [2022/03/09 11:44]
shared:mission:the_call [2022/03/09 13:41] (current)
katie [All Characters]
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 Though times are hardest than we’ve seen, Though times are hardest than we’ve seen,
-Though stars are far with nought between, +\\ Though stars are far with nought between, 
-Though Decay and darkness fill the night, +\\ Though Decay and darkness fill the night, 
-Our Hearts shall guide us to the light. +\\ Our Hearts shall guide us to the light. 
-- Unknown Fathoms, Mystic Divine, 134 ALW+\\ - Unknown Fathoms, Mystic Divine, 134 ALW
   Message Ends   Message Ends
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 ===== Aftermath ===== ===== Aftermath =====
-  * Bullet points of what characters did in the aftermath of the mission+  * Gathering Flow maps the location of the Tomb in relation to Kyholt and the Surface, making this information available. 
 +  * Flow and Leaf both report back to //Her Glorious Command// with the Custodian in tow and debrief to //Endeavour//'s personnel on the way.  Dr. Curious Direction (Leaf's friendly contact) liaises with Vaunted Platinum and works with Leaf and Flow to negotiate collaboration with //Her Glorious Command// to study the stone Custodian.  Worshipful Portent refuses to let the "divine artefact" leave //Her Glorious Command// once it arrives, but has no issue with Zeitgeist Researchers taking a look, which they do with the Custodian as well as rock fragments brought back by Flow and Leaf. 
 +  * The Custodian sustained heavy damage during the Tomb Collapse and remains inoperable.  ZRD scientists predict it will be some time before they can truly understand it, but do note that the atomic dating on the stone suggests it was last touched millennia before the terraforming surveys in the Keter System. 
 +  * Leaf discusses with Direction the curious fact that the mushroom fauna found in one area of Kylal was found in a presumably disconnected area.  Direction finds this fascinating and the two share a whole discussion about whether convergent evolution would be more or less likely given the rapid terraforming process.  The question is still an open topic. 
 +  * Leaf also analyses the sample of foam that they inhaled in the tomb in the lab.  They deduce that the foam was originally intended to be a cleansing agent but time and exposure to the spores had corrupted the spray into a horrible infection spray that would send microbial spores into the air.  These are particularly irritating to the lungs of every respiring species Leaf is aware of, but luckily curing mould and spore inhalation is something well documented and Leaf is able to prescribe an anti-fungal course of drugs to cleanse the infection.
 ===== Consequences ===== ===== Consequences =====
-  * Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewardseffects, contacts+  * The location of what becomes referred to as "The Kyholt Tomb" is public knowledge across the fleetas is the existence of Pentagonal structures and a potential long dead civilisation
-  * Also mention any wider consequences for the world+  * The Custodian from the Kyholt Tomb is in the care of //Her Glorious Command// where it is being actively investigated by ZRD scientists. 
 +  * The Ship Heart of Kyholt is returned to its location and the surface elevator restored to function.
 ==== All Characters ==== ==== All Characters ====
-  * Consequences+  * 4 Clout with //Her Glorious Command// or Faction: Divine Mystics or 1 with any faction.
-==== Character 1 ==== +{{tag>mission gathering_flow budding_leaf}}
- +
-  * Consequences +
- +
-==== Character 2 ==== +
- +
-  * Consequences  +
- +
-//Be sure to add tags for the characters// +
- +
-{{tag>mission character_1 character_2}}+
  • shared/mission/the_call.1646826271.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/03/09 11:44
  • by katie