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shared:mission:terms_of_service [2023/02/10 09:56]
katie Created from the form at shared:mission_reports
shared:mission:terms_of_service [2023/02/10 10:13] (current)
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 ===== Initial Brief ===== ===== Initial Brief =====
-//Copy the IC Part of your emailed Mission Brief here//+//To whom it may concern, \\ 
 +The Aspexx Corporation hereby provides the statutory notice to those presently unlawfully occupying the plot of land on Keter 6A “Ace’s World” centred on 42.3N 18E (otherwise known as “Fableland”) that as per failure to respond to the final notice for financial compensation to the rightful owner (contactable via the Aspexx Corporation) for such occupation, all present on the site will be required to leave immediately.\\ 
 +Failure to comply will violate Galactic Cooperation Accord on the Recently Settled Planetary Bodies 24.3.5 Subsection 3.\\ 
 +Dark Water\\ 
 +Agent Without Portfolio\\ 
 +On behalf of the Aspexx Corporation// 
 +– Message broadcast to Fableland and delivered on foot. 
 +//“Hear ye, hear ye!  The King of Fableland calls for aid as our town will soon be beset by marauders and mages most foul!  Gold and glory shall be given to those who can save our humble town!”// 
 +– Town crier call in Fableland 
 +//“What, no, I didn’t ask for that.  Go find out what’s going on.  What?  No I don’t care who, I’ll pay mercenaries, but I’m not arguing with Aspexx while we’re in a fight with the Altarians.  Sort it out.”// 
 +– Overheard in Ace’s Casino 
 ===== Characters ===== ===== Characters =====
-  * List of Player Characters +  * [[shared:player_character:Blind Rising]] - Susannah 
-  * [[shared:player_character:Example Character Name]] - Player First Name+  * [[shared:player_character:Iron Cold]] - Robin
 ===== Summary ===== ===== Summary =====
-  * Bullet points on key events of the Mission+  * On the road to Fableland, residents Blind Rising and Iron Cold who have gone out into the world from the backwater fantasy settlement meet as they are answering the King's concerns. 
 +  * They encounter, close to Whistle Stop Town, a number of Aspexx Bulldozers and crews who explain that they're here to bulldoze Fableland in order to make way for new construction but can't bulldoze the town while there are people there due to the Galactic Cooperation breathing down their necks.  Rising takes some blueprints and they head on to see what's going on. 
 +  * Past a couple of Decaying elements that give them cause for concern since Fableland should be Decay-free, the party find the town wall derelict of guards since everyone is in the town square admiring glowing figures who call themselves "Angels" and bring tidings of great power and a message that Fableland should move to a new home. 
 +  * Rising is immediately skeptical, as is Cold, and they become moreso when "Demons" attack that Rising determines are just robots.  Before suspicions can be articulated, a trial of heresy begins for a town resident who also questioned the "Angels" but thanks to Rising and Cold giving a report to King Valiant the trial is postponed while they talk to the "Wise Person" who recently arrived and in whom Valiant puts a lot of trust. 
 +  * Visiting the "Wise Person", Rising and Cold quickly realise this is no fantasy-person at all but another Aspexx meddler.  They level, giving their name as Dark Water, and explain that Ace commissioned Aspexx to build an early warning system due to the ongoing hostilities with //Her Glorious Command// and that Fableland is in the ideal location for it.  Dark Water is responsible for the "Angels" appearing and their attempt to get the town to move along. 
 +  * Dark Water tries to get the party on side and they're willing to come on side but only if there are conciliations made to Fableland both in terms of the timetable and in compensation.  Dark Water doesn't accept that deal and lets slip that the town's Sheriff has been "taken out of the picture" due to being Startouched, the party leave. 
 +  * On their way to the Gold Mine, where they suspect the Sheriff is held, they are attacked by the Angels who are just Startouched in fancy dress.  They dispatch robotic guards holding the Sheriff prisoner and are able to complete the picture for him that the "strange force and visions" he's been feeling is a Ship Heart nearby that is aiding the Startouched with the illusion. 
 +  * They quickly make their way to King Valiant who is being petitioned by the "Wise Person" and reveal the whole affair.  The King decrees the harm against the Sheriff by Dark Water by resolved by a duel, in which Dark Water immediately shoots the Sheriff in the head.  The party help subdue Dark Water and, after consideration of the meddling in Fableland by Ace and Aspexx and the reports from Rising and Cold about the world outside Fableland, Valiant decrees an Embassy will be sent to Ace and asks Rising and Cold to be part of it.
 ===== Aftermath ===== ===== Aftermath =====
-  * Bullet points of what characters did in the aftermath of the mission+  * Blind Rising explains in further detail to the King what happened and, thanks to their help and valiant work, King Valiant agrees to lift the exile ruling on Iron Cold. 
 +  * As the Embassy will take time to prepare, Rising has time to write up his findings about the outside world and distributes them for interested Fableland parties.  This garners much interest and a new "Adventurers' Academy" is formed for those interested in heading outside.  These findings are somewhat limited and people are heading into the outside world with a much higher expectation for virtual reality simulations and tomb raiding than perhaps they should expect but it's progress. 
 +  * Rising also explains the concept of Startouched and Ship Hearts to a Sheriff who is dubious but also willing to learn for the sake of Fableland. 
 +  * While the Embassy takes time to prepare, Dark Water is kept under lock and key by Fableland, but the security proves ineffective for someone of their talents, and one morning their cell is found empty with the guard outside unconscious.
 ===== Consequences ===== ===== Consequences =====
-  * Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts+  * Fableland is forming an Embassy to take to Aces High
-  * Also mention any wider consequences for the world+  * A new Adventurers' Academy is founded in Fableland which will train students on heading into the outside world.  Its expectations of the world are somewhat exaggerated and inaccurate. 
 +  * Dark Water is believed to have returned to //Starlight Ebbing//.
 ==== All Characters ==== ==== All Characters ====
-  * Consequences +  * +5 Clout with Fableland 
- +  * Requested to be Ambassadors from Fableland to Aces High.
-==== Character 1 ====+
-  * Consequences+==== Blind Rising ====
-==== Character 2 ====+  * +10 Clout with the Fableland Adventurers' Academy
-  * Consequences +==== Iron Cold ====
-//Be sure to add tags for the characters//+  * Exile from Fableland is lifted by King Valiant
-{{tag>mission character_1 character_2}}+{{tag>mission iron_cold blind_rising}}
  • shared/mission/terms_of_service.1676022982.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/02/10 09:56
  • by katie