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shared:mission:one_of_our_mechs_is_missing [2022/04/18 13:32]
thespaceinvader [All Characters]
shared:mission:one_of_our_mechs_is_missing [2022/04/18 13:35] (current)
thespaceinvader [Character 2]
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   * The slightly dubious honour of having named a Scourge ‘Admiral Wiggles’.  The more serious among the CDF absolutely hate the name, but the more chill think it’s pretty good to be honest.   * The slightly dubious honour of having named a Scourge ‘Admiral Wiggles’.  The more serious among the CDF absolutely hate the name, but the more chill think it’s pretty good to be honest.
   * The much less dubious honour of having fought off and potentially (hopefully) killed Admiral Wiggles, which affords some significant admiration among Craruans in general and CDF members in particular.  You might be able to parlay this into slightly better access to Craruan or CDF facilities or people, though it's not worth a whole Clout.   * The much less dubious honour of having fought off and potentially (hopefully) killed Admiral Wiggles, which affords some significant admiration among Craruans in general and CDF members in particular.  You might be able to parlay this into slightly better access to Craruan or CDF facilities or people, though it's not worth a whole Clout.
-==== Character 1 ====+==== Temporary Impulse ====
-  * Consequences+  * A Thing Repulsor attachment for her Adaptive Scanner: after scanning a downed enemy using Adaptive Scanner you gain 1 use per encounter of YOU: PUSH against any target matching the attribute you chose - though you will need to SCAN to determine what you can target.  You can gain a further use of YOU: PUSH against such a target by spending 10 seconds loading your Thing Repulsor, at the cost of losing your scan data, meaning you will not be able to SCAN for that property for the rest of the encounter, and will have to re-use Adaptive Scanner to re-start the Thing Repulsor.
-==== Character 2 ====+==== Last Resort ==== 
 +  * Assorted genuine Craruan Mech parts, which were given to ACE’s org, in exchange they offered a number of Chips equal to about a Clout’s worth. (+1 clout with ACE's Organisation, or a solid week of gambling at the casinos if you prefer!)
-  * Consequences  +{{tag>mission temporary_impulse last_resort wretched_export}}
- +
-//Be sure to add tags for the characters// +
- +
-{{tag>mission character_1 character_2}}+
  • shared/mission/one_of_our_mechs_is_missing.1650288752.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/04/18 13:32
  • by thespaceinvader