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shared:mission:internal_error [2023/11/12 23:26]
shared:mission:internal_error [2023/11/12 23:26] (current)
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   * Back in Fableland, Iron Cold spends time talking through their experiences with anyone who's willing to listen. While people look politely baffled at his descriptions of holodecks, science labs, portals and similar, he gets a reasonable amount of sympathy on the 'terrifying skeletal monsters' parts of the stories, especially among the members of the Fableland Adventurers Academy. Their enthusiasm to go out and be similarly amazing executing terrifying monsters contributes a little to Iron Cold's recovery from their various traumatic Huskee experiences.   * Back in Fableland, Iron Cold spends time talking through their experiences with anyone who's willing to listen. While people look politely baffled at his descriptions of holodecks, science labs, portals and similar, he gets a reasonable amount of sympathy on the 'terrifying skeletal monsters' parts of the stories, especially among the members of the Fableland Adventurers Academy. Their enthusiasm to go out and be similarly amazing executing terrifying monsters contributes a little to Iron Cold's recovery from their various traumatic Huskee experiences.
-{{tag>internal_error iron_cold endless_flame budding_leaf}}+{{tag>mission iron_cold endless_flame budding_leaf}}
  • shared/mission/internal_error.1699831598.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/11/12 23:26
  • by susannah