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shared:mission:five_there_were [2024/02/09 21:31]
shared:mission:five_there_were [2024/02/27 23:36] (current)
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-====== Five There Were [DRAFT] ======+====== Five There Were ======
 ===== Initial Brief ===== ===== Initial Brief =====
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     * All images feature five five-limbed creatures and the five colours of the mosaic tiles, each one seeming to be linked to one creature.     * All images feature five five-limbed creatures and the five colours of the mosaic tiles, each one seeming to be linked to one creature.
   * The party is unable to spend as long as they might like staring at these images, due to the spores, but they make notes and sketches to pass on to Ninth Truth at the completion of the mission (see Aftermath below for details of what knowledge is now publicly available).   * The party is unable to spend as long as they might like staring at these images, due to the spores, but they make notes and sketches to pass on to Ninth Truth at the completion of the mission (see Aftermath below for details of what knowledge is now publicly available).
-  * Continuning onwards, the party are aware that this is now a very long trek they have been on. How far they now are from Kyholt is underscored when they reach an area where seismic or glacial activity has actually split the land apart, and the tunnel now has a several-meter gap and an offset, with a rope across (apparently left by Aspexx) and ice surrounding the break. Ice which is full of cavern worms. Both characters have ways to get across the gap without difficulty, but run into problems when the cavern worms attack ferociously. Luckily they are finally able to fend them off and continue on their way, only slightly worse for wear.+  * Continuing onwards, the party are aware that this is now a very long trek they have been on. How far they now are from Kyholt is underscored when they reach an area where seismic or glacial activity has actually split the land apart, and the tunnel now has a several-meter gap and an offset, with a rope across (apparently left by Aspexx) and ice surrounding the break. Ice which is full of cavern worms. Both characters have ways to get across the gap without difficulty, but run into problems when the cavern worms attack ferociously. Luckily they are finally able to fend them off and continue on their way, only slightly worse for wear.
   * Following the tunnels (and the footsteps) further, the party eventually end up in a very surprising location - another Pentagonal Gate room. It looks a lot like the ones they have previously encountered, except that in this one there's an Aspexx specialist on a communicator call in an ops tent. The party get the specialist's attention, and everyone asks questions about what everyone else is doing here. It turns out that Aspexx, despite suffering significant losses of the fighting troops sent here with the scientists to protect them, have managed to find this chamber with a dormant gate in, establish an operational base here, and then sneak through to the Kyholt base to try to investigate the operational gate there. They were foiled in really investigating it, but in the months since have finally got to grips with the gate controls enough to get it activated a few weeks ago. The specialist indicates that in fact there's an Aspexx scientist through the gate at the moment, exploring what's on the other side - but before the party follow, she points them at a pile of spacesuits next to the gate. Because the other side of this gate is, somewhat unexpectedly, in space.   * Following the tunnels (and the footsteps) further, the party eventually end up in a very surprising location - another Pentagonal Gate room. It looks a lot like the ones they have previously encountered, except that in this one there's an Aspexx specialist on a communicator call in an ops tent. The party get the specialist's attention, and everyone asks questions about what everyone else is doing here. It turns out that Aspexx, despite suffering significant losses of the fighting troops sent here with the scientists to protect them, have managed to find this chamber with a dormant gate in, establish an operational base here, and then sneak through to the Kyholt base to try to investigate the operational gate there. They were foiled in really investigating it, but in the months since have finally got to grips with the gate controls enough to get it activated a few weeks ago. The specialist indicates that in fact there's an Aspexx scientist through the gate at the moment, exploring what's on the other side - but before the party follow, she points them at a pile of spacesuits next to the gate. Because the other side of this gate is, somewhat unexpectedly, in space.
   * Also before they step through, Delicate Harmony interfaces with the gate - which very much impresses the Aspexx specialist. Harmony learns that this gate is connected to one other, and was not actively aware of the two other gates which Harmony has interacted with - the Hive IV gate and the Kyholt gate - but now is.   * Also before they step through, Delicate Harmony interfaces with the gate - which very much impresses the Aspexx specialist. Harmony learns that this gate is connected to one other, and was not actively aware of the two other gates which Harmony has interacted with - the Hive IV gate and the Kyholt gate - but now is.
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   * Working together, the party manage to anchor each other enough for Gathering Flow to lean outside the missing walls to see what they can see. What she sees is - beyond the jagged edge of broken rooms and walls like the edge of this room - a smooth, flat surface, with a vertex to another surface at an angle that implies this whole thing might be one huge, broken, pentagonal prism. In space.   * Working together, the party manage to anchor each other enough for Gathering Flow to lean outside the missing walls to see what they can see. What she sees is - beyond the jagged edge of broken rooms and walls like the edge of this room - a smooth, flat surface, with a vertex to another surface at an angle that implies this whole thing might be one huge, broken, pentagonal prism. In space.
   * Before they can explore further, they are interrupted by a panicked Aspexx scientist, who appears to have met a rockwork Custodian and somehow upset it. All the rockwork comes to attention and identifies the party plus scientist as hostile. A hasty retreat is beaten back through the gate to the Kylal side.   * Before they can explore further, they are interrupted by a panicked Aspexx scientist, who appears to have met a rockwork Custodian and somehow upset it. All the rockwork comes to attention and identifies the party plus scientist as hostile. A hasty retreat is beaten back through the gate to the Kylal side.
-  * Discussion of all this exciting new knowledge with the Aspexx scientist is cut short by the specialist, who says they were on the communicator with Elegant solution when the call suddenly cut off, after noises of violence which imply Elegant Solution was- attacked? grabbed? had nebulous bad things happen to her? The Aspexx employees go into total meltdown at this, panicking because Elegant Solution is the daughter of someone Very Important in the Aspexx hierarchy, and they can't be the people who lost her, and how can they possibly get to Kyholt quickly enough, it's hours through the tunnels and-+  * Discussion of all this exciting new knowledge with the Aspexx scientist is cut short by the specialist, who says they were on the communicator with Elegant Solution when the call suddenly cut off, after noises of violence which imply Elegant Solution was- attacked? grabbed? had nebulous bad things happen to her? The Aspexx employees go into total meltdown at this, panicking because Elegant Solution is the daughter of someone Very Important in the Aspexx hierarchy, and they can't be the people who lost her, and how can they possibly get to Kyholt quickly enough, it's hours through the tunnels and-
   * -Delicate Harmony points out that the gate is now connected to the Kyholt gate.   * -Delicate Harmony points out that the gate is now connected to the Kyholt gate.
-  * Aspexx are, once again, impressed by Harmony's understanding of and connection to the gates, but happily accept Harmony's offer to switch the gate's direction. However, they do then look awkward about the idea of charging through the gate into Kyholt while armed and being Aspexx - they appear to be just as keen as Ninth Truth to avoid any potential diplomatic incidents. The party agree to go through on their behalf, find out what's happened to Elegant Solution and get her back.+  * Aspexx are, once again, impressed by Harmony's understanding of and connection to the gates, and happily accept Harmony's offer to switch the gate's direction. However, they do then look awkward about the idea of charging through the gate into Kyholt while armed and being Aspexx - they appear to be just as keen as Ninth Truth to avoid any potential diplomatic incidents. The party agree to go through on their behalf, find out what's happened to Elegant Solution and get her back.
   * What has happened is that she has been kidnapped, by Cold Boot and a few friends. They appear to be trying to get information out of her about what Aspexx knows about the Orion Gate explosion, with strong overtones of 'Aspexx caused the explosion didn't you.' Elegant Solution appears confused and sad about this line of questioning and/or the ZAPs they keep taking from an electrified weapon, but doesn't seem to have any information to give over. Once the party manage to break down the door, they deal with this pretty quickly, disarming the attackers and rescuing Elegant Solution and a piece of equipment she had with her. Cold Boot, meanwhile, throws a smoke grenade and attempts to escape, but is caught.   * What has happened is that she has been kidnapped, by Cold Boot and a few friends. They appear to be trying to get information out of her about what Aspexx knows about the Orion Gate explosion, with strong overtones of 'Aspexx caused the explosion didn't you.' Elegant Solution appears confused and sad about this line of questioning and/or the ZAPs they keep taking from an electrified weapon, but doesn't seem to have any information to give over. Once the party manage to break down the door, they deal with this pretty quickly, disarming the attackers and rescuing Elegant Solution and a piece of equipment she had with her. Cold Boot, meanwhile, throws a smoke grenade and attempts to escape, but is caught.
 ===== Aftermath ===== ===== Aftermath =====
-  * It turns out Elegant Solution had a beacon with her, which she was trying to find a way to get to the 'Aspexx gate' (as no-one has come up with a better term for it yet) without having to take it through decay. If she gets it to the asteroid, then //Starlight Ebbing// can trace it and find the asteroid for further investigation.+  * It turns out Elegant Solution had a signal beacon with her, which she was trying to find a way to get to the 'Aspexx gate' (as no-one has come up with a better term for it yet) without having to take it through decay. If she gets it to the asteroid, then //Starlight Ebbing// can trace it and find the asteroid for further investigation.
   * The party generally agree that they can work with Aspexx - and help negotiations and collaboration between Aspexx and Zeitgeist/Borderland Botanists in exploring the Pentagonal gates - with a few conditions:   * The party generally agree that they can work with Aspexx - and help negotiations and collaboration between Aspexx and Zeitgeist/Borderland Botanists in exploring the Pentagonal gates - with a few conditions:
     * Locations of gates must be made public when they are found     * Locations of gates must be made public when they are found
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       * A(1): Well yes obviously, the installation on Hive IV... (true)       * A(1): Well yes obviously, the installation on Hive IV... (true)
       * A(2): Oh, you mean outside the Keter System? No. (true)       * A(2): Oh, you mean outside the Keter System? No. (true)
-    * Aspexx want to work with Delicate Harmony having seen how the gates could be manipulated, so this is all broadly agreed to, although there is a feeling that Aspexx will never publish everything they find unless they are carefully made to do so - and that they are maybe not sharing everything they know currently, either. +    * Overall it seems that Aspexx do not know any more about the Pentagonal gates than anyone else, but are very interested in gate technology generally so started paying attention after the gate to Hive IV was found. 
-  * Delicate Harmony also pushes for a cross-faction effort to find 3 more gates which they have hypothesized should be on Kylal, although it is unclear where the hunt for these should begin. Certainly one of the murals implied the gates might be spread evenly over the planet, but the two that have now been located are much closer than that - barely a day's trek apart. Maps are consulted and angles plotted as to where other gates might hypothetically be if they were at the same distance from each other as the two already found and (presumably) arranged as vertices of a pentagon, but there is some consternation as it is realised one of those would be in a position where there is no bedrock, only ocean below the ice, and another would be close enough to [Kylal main settlement] that it would surely have been found already.... something isn't quite right about this idea....+    * Aspexx want to work with Delicate Harmony having seen how the gates could be manipulated, so all of the above is broadly agreed to, although there is a feeling that Aspexx will never publish everything they find unless they are carefully made to do so - and that they are maybe not sharing everything they know currently, either. 
 +  * Delicate Harmony also pushes for a cross-faction effort to find 3 more gates which they have hypothesized should be on Kylal, although it is unclear where the hunt for these should begin. Certainly one of the murals implied the gates might be spread evenly over the planet, but the two that have now been located are much closer than that - barely a day's trek apart. Maps are consulted and angles plotted as to where other gates might hypothetically be if they were at the same distance from each other as the two already found and (presumably) arranged as vertices of a pentagon, but there is some consternation as it is realised one of those would be in a position where there is no bedrock, only ocean below the ice, and another would be close enough to Kylal Core Settlement that it ought to have been found already if anyone was looking.... 
   * Gathering Flow is intrigued by the idea that the pentagonal asteroid might have been a spaceship of sorts, and maybe with a ship heart in it could be a functional spaceship again? She suggests that maybe Endeavour could be the ship heart for the job, which the Zeitgeist researchers seem 50/50 enthused/concerned about as an idea.   * Gathering Flow is intrigued by the idea that the pentagonal asteroid might have been a spaceship of sorts, and maybe with a ship heart in it could be a functional spaceship again? She suggests that maybe Endeavour could be the ship heart for the job, which the Zeitgeist researchers seem 50/50 enthused/concerned about as an idea.
-  * The party also hand over their sketches of the mosaics in the room full of spores [add images], plus some of their speculations upon them such as:+  * Delicate Harmony, after thinking about the asteroid some more, shares a possible concern/avenue of investigation with the Gate Research Team: we know that the Pentagonal Gates have some slightly shipheart-y aspects or effects, e.g. no Decay in their immediate vicinity. The gate on the 'spaceship' asteroid is in the asteroid belt that orbits out past the position of the Orion Gate. Is it possible that interference between this and the Orion Gate is what caused its destruction? 
 +  * The party also hand over their sketches of the mosaics in the room full of spores
 +    * {{shared:mission:pentagonal_mosaic_sketch.jpg?200}} 
 +  * plus some of their speculations upon them such as:
     * The pentagonal civilisation might have had triangular heads? or not.     * The pentagonal civilisation might have had triangular heads? or not.
     * The pentagonal civilisation really liked these five colours - blue, green, orange, pink and purple - but it's unclear what exactly they meant.     * The pentagonal civilisation really liked these five colours - blue, green, orange, pink and purple - but it's unclear what exactly they meant.
-    * The pentagonal civilation appears to have fought others, and to have spread out across a whole planet - possibly Kylal although the landmasses are not a perfect match for the modern-day planet. +    * The pentagonal civilisation appears to have fought others, and to have spread out across a whole planet - possibly Kylal although the landmasses are not a perfect match for the modern-day planet. 
-    * This would imply, as above, that there might be five gates in total on Kylal. +    * This could imply, as above, that there might be five gates in total on Kylal.
 ===== Consequences ===== ===== Consequences =====
-  * Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewardseffects, contacts+  * AspexxZeitgeist and the Borderlands Botanists are cautiously collaborating on the investigation of the Pentagonal Gates.  
-  * Also mention any wider consequences for the world+  * With the Kyholt gate and Aspexx gates now connected, Aspexx take their beacon through to their research area, but without Delicate Harmony's help it takes a few weeks for the combined research group to understand the gates well enough to redirect/reconnect one to the asteroid gate, whereupon Aspexx take the beacon through and start trying to triangulate its position from the //Starlight Ebbing.//
 ==== All Characters ==== ==== All Characters ====
-  * Consequences+  * +3 Clout with one of Zeitgeist or the Borderland Botanists  
 +  * +1 Clout with Aspexx
-==== Character 1 ====+==== Delicate Harmony ====
-  * Consequences+  * +1 Clout with Aspexx: essentially status gained for having gate knowledge 
 +  * From the Synthesis ability, an attempt to become just a little bit Cavern Worm results in the following: 
 +    * Once per encounter, you may call SLOW. However, when you do, bringing the cavern worm's icy blood to the surface is not without consequence - you also take a 3-second SLOW.
-==== Character 2 ====+==== Gathering Flow ====
-  * Consequences +  * No additional consequences
-//Be sure to add tags for the characters// 
-{{tag>mission character_1 character_2}}+{{tag>mission delicate_harmony gathering_flow}}
  • shared/mission/five_there_were.1707514305.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/02/09 21:31
  • by susannah