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shared:mission:final_chance [2024/03/17 15:24]
shared:mission:final_chance [2024/03/17 17:05] (current)
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-====== Final Chance [DRAFT] ======+====== Final Chance ======
 ===== Initial Brief ===== ===== Initial Brief =====
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   * The party follow this trail along the cliff edge past some cliff-face eels and up onto a plateau with some Skitters, where they can see a shack in the distance. The party sneak past the Skitters, avoiding giving themselves away until they reach the hut, where they hear the Chorister's voice and then choose to enter. The Chorister, with a broken leg, is inside and appears to be torturing/questioning someone who the party assume to be Third Time, who is tied to a chair. Some discussion ensues, amongst which:   * The party follow this trail along the cliff edge past some cliff-face eels and up onto a plateau with some Skitters, where they can see a shack in the distance. The party sneak past the Skitters, avoiding giving themselves away until they reach the hut, where they hear the Chorister's voice and then choose to enter. The Chorister, with a broken leg, is inside and appears to be torturing/questioning someone who the party assume to be Third Time, who is tied to a chair. Some discussion ensues, amongst which:
     * Heightened Serendipity informs the Chorister that they have been selected for pruning     * Heightened Serendipity informs the Chorister that they have been selected for pruning
-    * A fight kicks off, and they manage to free Third Time from her bonds +    * A fight kicks off, and they manage to free Third Time from her bonds. 
-    * After a tough fight, the Chorister is defeated and executed. Heightened Serendipity calls Vyix 9a over a vid-link and shows them the head. Vyix 9a is impressed. Heightened Serendipity puts the head in a bag, and the party plus Third Time head back to Azuria city. In their discussions with Third Time, they learn that Third Time was kidnapped by the Chorister in Azuria City, and that the Chorister was looking for the same information they tortured the pirates for - i.e. how to infiltrate Violet's ship.+    * After a tough fight, the Chorister is defeated and executed. Heightened Serendipity calls Vyix 9a over a vid-link and shows them the head. Vyix 9a is impressed. Heightened Serendipity puts the head in a bag, and the party plus Third Time head back to Azuria city. In their discussions with Third Time, they learn that Third Time was kidnapped by the Chorister in Azuria City, and that the Chorister was looking for the same information they tortured the pirates for - i.e. how to infiltrate Violet's ship. The party also return the various fake IDs to Third Time.
   * Heightened Serendipity has not yet connected Third Time with Ninth Life, and therefore the party return her to Violet Afterburn's ship, where a tearful romantic reunion is had. They tell Violet that they are a little worried about Imminent Ascent, who could be a threat to Pentagonal Pectoral. Violet is aware that the two of them have gone out to Imminent Ascent's not-yet-renamed Plundarr Island, and orders her ship to set sail for there. Languid Relaxation also manages to send an instruction to his own personal ship to follow them   * Heightened Serendipity has not yet connected Third Time with Ninth Life, and therefore the party return her to Violet Afterburn's ship, where a tearful romantic reunion is had. They tell Violet that they are a little worried about Imminent Ascent, who could be a threat to Pentagonal Pectoral. Violet is aware that the two of them have gone out to Imminent Ascent's not-yet-renamed Plundarr Island, and orders her ship to set sail for there. Languid Relaxation also manages to send an instruction to his own personal ship to follow them
   * On route to Plundarr Island, Heightened Serendipity suddenly realises, from all the circumstantial evidence, that Third Time is her original target, the terrorist once known as Ninth Life, who helped to pull of the destruction of Vyix 9a (the moon). This leaves her in a tricky situation, since they are now at sea onboard Violet's ship, surrounded by pirates.   * On route to Plundarr Island, Heightened Serendipity suddenly realises, from all the circumstantial evidence, that Third Time is her original target, the terrorist once known as Ninth Life, who helped to pull of the destruction of Vyix 9a (the moon). This leaves her in a tricky situation, since they are now at sea onboard Violet's ship, surrounded by pirates.
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     * some light intimidation and blackmail of Imminent Ascent, with strong subtext of 'I know everything you are up to and you are going to have to watch me take everything you want.'     * some light intimidation and blackmail of Imminent Ascent, with strong subtext of 'I know everything you are up to and you are going to have to watch me take everything you want.'
     * some schmoozing with Pentagonal Pectoral, using a Gambit Tinkering to attempt to get Pentagonal to adopt him.      * some schmoozing with Pentagonal Pectoral, using a Gambit Tinkering to attempt to get Pentagonal to adopt him. 
-  * Violet Afterburn's ship 
-  * Travel to Plundarr Island, tinker Scrum, Third Time broadcasting thoughts 
-  * Elegy showdown and intervention 
-  * Politicking 
-  *  
-  * Tinkerings:  
-    * Languid Relaxation:  
-      * Tinkering previous [box scanner] into generic object scanner. Loses ability to see inside boxes but can now detect objects of significantly varying density within other objects (e.g. metal weapons inside quicksand), with a 10m radius. For one encounter per adventure. SCAN: OBJECTS once per 10s or so (brief GM ahead of adventure). Every third SCAN call MASS CURSE as you irradiate everyone including yourself. It vibrates sufficiently when used that anything sensitive to vibration will notice (GM discretion). 
-      * Gambit to gain adoption from Pentagonal Pectoral: Major success with 2 Consequences. -2 Clout with Altarians for  
-    * Heightened Serendipity: 
-      * Sandshark Capsicin - does burn, had consequences of getting it on her hands 
-      * Mind-meld with parrot, using squeeple juice from drone: consequence losing second mind-meld with drone: major success, able to read and be mind-read for 5 minutes, parrot learned more than it wanted to 
-      * Psychic broadcast, using crystal scrum purchased from Languid Relaxation for ?? Clout with ?? - cannot create receiving, but amps up broadcasting massively such that the person who drinks it broadcasts their thoughts to anyone within MASS range for the next minute. 
-  * Star systems defined: Solus System with binary stars, reachable from Keter System via Lightning Gate/Cloud Gate pair. Other system: ?? 
 ===== Aftermath ===== ===== Aftermath =====
-  * Violet Afterburn's pirate organisation is in some disarray +  * Heightened Serendipity takes the Chorister's head to Vyix 9a: the Elegy is still split but this now gives a major advantage to Vyix 9a's anti-Chorister-Vitruvius faction. HoweverVyix 9a does not plan to immediately appoint new Chorister, preferring to avoid the appearance of a coup - instead, they send out word that the Elegy within the Keter System will confirm no new contracts on targets until contact is reestablished with the world outside. This puts a hold on any remaining internal power struggles for now. 
-  * Heightened Serendipity takes the Chorister's head to Vyix 9a: the Elegy is still split but this now gives a major advantage to Vyix 9a's anti-Chorister-Vitruvius faction, and gives position from which to bring the Elegy back under one leader in the Keter System +  * Languid Relaxation, meanwhile, asks the Elegy for proof of Imminent Ascent's attempt to secure a contract on Violet Afterburn. He is provided with a copy of the request which Imminent Ascent sent, confirmed identifiably by name and signature. (Note this request also mentions that Violet Afterburn is an Altarian of rank 37, should this paperwork be shown to others in future). 
-  * +  * Languid Relaxation also uses their dynastic connections to try to understand the general Altarian understanding of a high-ranking Altarian involved in the //Immersabilis// disaster and how they might be viewed. General 'knowledge' is that Dazzling Pearl and Dazzling Amethyst, the last of their line, died in the //Immersabilis's// destruction. There are no rumours among those you speak to of a high-ranking Altarian in hiding in the Keter System. (Note: you are unable to speak to anyone belonging to Violet's crew but you can be fairly sure these details not more widely known.) There is no unified way in which those you speak to respond to the idea of a hypothetical hidden high-ranking Altarian: the two main schools of thought are that if they are high-ranking, they should be deferred to no matter their history; the other that someone high-ranking had a duty to make themselves known before now and thus have abandoned their duty to Alta (unspoken: and should be dealt with). It's the hiding that people care more about than the tangential-involvement-in-terrorist-disaster as far as you can tell. 
 +  * Heightened Serendipity goes to Crarua after seeing Vyix 9a. Asking around, there are humourous stories of Violet Afterburn and a companion arriving unexpectedly from the sky (several days ago at this point) - it's the sort of story that's getting expanded every time someone tells it while drinking rum, but the truth of the matter seems to be they did arrive at speed, maybe broke a few bones but were not killed, and as far as anyone you're talking to knows they're long gone - the //Justification// docked a day later and quickly bought some supplies before heading off again. The stories dry up, however, as soon as Heightened Serendipity mentions her name - it's clear that Afterburn's crew have put out word on you and anyone affiliated with pirates sees you as a risk to work with. This unfortunately also affects your attempts to get hold of any Scrum - on top of the fact that Violet's organisation is in some disarray means the pirate smuggling rings may be operating at less than full capacity, whenever you think you've made a good contact you also find that someone has told them who you are and they no longer want to sell you anything.
 ===== Consequences ===== ===== Consequences =====
-  * Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewardseffects, contacts+  * Violet Afterburn's pirate organisation is in some disarrayand smuggling rings on Siruta are currently disrupted 
-  * Also mention any wider consequences for the world+  * The whereabouts of Violet Afterburn and Third Time are currently unknown [speak to refs if you want to write them into an adventure] 
 +  * There is a parrot on the //Justification// which has been fed Squeeple juice
 +  * OC the following information has been defined about star systems which were reachable from the Keter system through the Orion Gate: 
 +    * The Orion Gate led to the Candiope Gate in the Fjenix System 
 +      * From the Fjenix System, the Topaz Gate leads to the Sapphire Gate in the Ferris System, and the Lightning Gate leads to the Cloud Gate in the binary Solus System.
 ==== All Characters ==== ==== All Characters ====
-  * Consequences+  * No shared consequences! You made your choices.
-==== Character 1 ====+==== Languid Relaxation ====
-  * Consequences+  * +3 Clout with Azuria, gained in trade for -1 Clout's worth of Crystal Scrum 
 +  * Nemesis: Imminent Ascent 
 +  * Your relationship and Clout status with Violet Afterburn and her crew is unchanged, due to both positive and negative interactions on this mission 
 +  * Possession of an heirloom bracelet which, according to its engravings, last belonged to Dazzling Pearl. 
 +  * Pentagonal Pectoral, impressed by your professional attitude and personal assistance to them, publicly announces their intention to formally adopt you - //if// you show your respect for their lineage by changing some part of your name to reflect the new relationship. [OC: this means taking some part of Pentagonal Pectoral's name and combining it into your name in some fashion. Let us know.] 
 +  * +1 Clout with the Altarian Dynasty (+3 for continued helping out, -2 for Gambit consequences as others react negatively to your sudden elevation) 
 +  * Mk II on the eggs-ray scanner: this is no longer an egg/box scanner, but is now a generic object scanner. Loses ability to see inside boxes but can now detect objects of significantly varying density within other objects (e.g. metal weapons inside quicksand), with a 10m radius. One encounter per adventure gain SCAN: OBJECTS once per 10s (brief GM ahead of adventure). Every third SCAN call MASS CURSE as you irradiate everyone including yourself. It vibrates sufficiently when used that anything sensitive to vibration will notice (GM discretion).
-==== Character 2 ====+==== Heightened Serendipity ====
-  * Consequences +  * +2 Clout with the Elegy 
 +  * +3 Clout with Vyix 9a 
 +  * -3 Clout with Azuria, traded to Languid Relaxation for Crystal Scrum which was then used 
 +  * Nemesis: Violet Afterburn 
 +  * Nemesis: Third Time 
 +  * -3 Clout with Sirutan Independents (pirates) 
 +  * An Elegy boon for completing the contract on Chorister Vitruvius [OC: we will reach out to discuss this and your other outstanding boon] 
 +  * Mk II mind-meld-mix: You can sacrifice a use of your Mk II Psychic Drone Connection to instead extract a single paired dose of liquid which, when drunk by two separate people/creatures, creates a 2-way mind-share between them which last 5 minutes. An equal quantity of information can be expected to flow both ways during this time. 
-//Be sure to add tags for the characters// 
-{{tag>mission character_1 character_2}}+{{tag>mission languid_relaxation heightened_serendipity}}
  • shared/mission/final_chance.1710689040.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/03/17 15:24
  • by susannah