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shared:mission:aspexxpo [2022/07/14 22:35]
shared:mission:aspexxpo [2022/08/05 18:08] (current)
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   * Misty Brook signs up as a test subject for ongoing trials of Boostexx onboard the //Starlight Ebbing//. Through carefully placed comments and feedback, as well as the unique research opportunity of being the only individual the Boostologists have met who has consumed such a great quantity of Boostexx in such a short period of time, Misty is able to persuade the team to focus their energies on taming the drink's addictiveness while emphasising that delicious Boostexx flavour. She also suggests mixing in some bioluminescent algae for that extra sparkle. The end result is a whole range of formulations of Boostexx with varying flavour profiles and potential side-effects: Boostexx Maxx (the original, addictive version), Boostexx Lite, Boostexx Sport, Boostexx Health, Boostexx Shine, Boostexx Kidz, Boostexx Boost, Boostexx X... The names are still subject to Aspexx Branding Approval, which ones eventually go to market are still subject to Aspexx Marketing Approval, and whether they can be sold at all is still subject to Galactic Cooperation Food and Drugs Board Approval - but the latter is now much more likely to succeed than it was before Misty's intervention (the remaining obstacle is simply that the GCFDB likes to be thorough so the turnaround is a bit slow).   * Misty Brook signs up as a test subject for ongoing trials of Boostexx onboard the //Starlight Ebbing//. Through carefully placed comments and feedback, as well as the unique research opportunity of being the only individual the Boostologists have met who has consumed such a great quantity of Boostexx in such a short period of time, Misty is able to persuade the team to focus their energies on taming the drink's addictiveness while emphasising that delicious Boostexx flavour. She also suggests mixing in some bioluminescent algae for that extra sparkle. The end result is a whole range of formulations of Boostexx with varying flavour profiles and potential side-effects: Boostexx Maxx (the original, addictive version), Boostexx Lite, Boostexx Sport, Boostexx Health, Boostexx Shine, Boostexx Kidz, Boostexx Boost, Boostexx X... The names are still subject to Aspexx Branding Approval, which ones eventually go to market are still subject to Aspexx Marketing Approval, and whether they can be sold at all is still subject to Galactic Cooperation Food and Drugs Board Approval - but the latter is now much more likely to succeed than it was before Misty's intervention (the remaining obstacle is simply that the GCFDB likes to be thorough so the turnaround is a bit slow).
   * Roaming Vendor leverages the opportunities they made at the Exxpo to go on a tour of the //Starlight Ebbing//'s advanced weapons laboratories. The tour is careful to ensure that any information shared stays within Roaming's security clearance, but through incisive question-asking and making a clear show of being engaged and interested with the work being done, he is able to ingratiate himself with some of the staff there. In the middle of the tour he runs into Misty again, who is hanging out with her dads Shady and Babbling; Misty makes introductions and puts in some good words for Roaming, further cementing the relationship. By the end of the tour it's clear to Roaming that the version of the minigun they tried in the holodeck was certainly 'aspirational' - the current prototypes in the lab suffer from some serious overheating and jamming defects, which alongside the generally unwieldy and questionable-to-carry-in-inhabited-areas nature of the weapon make it not currently practical for actual use. The lab itself is fascinating though, and he leaves with a good rapport established with the staff there.   * Roaming Vendor leverages the opportunities they made at the Exxpo to go on a tour of the //Starlight Ebbing//'s advanced weapons laboratories. The tour is careful to ensure that any information shared stays within Roaming's security clearance, but through incisive question-asking and making a clear show of being engaged and interested with the work being done, he is able to ingratiate himself with some of the staff there. In the middle of the tour he runs into Misty again, who is hanging out with her dads Shady and Babbling; Misty makes introductions and puts in some good words for Roaming, further cementing the relationship. By the end of the tour it's clear to Roaming that the version of the minigun they tried in the holodeck was certainly 'aspirational' - the current prototypes in the lab suffer from some serious overheating and jamming defects, which alongside the generally unwieldy and questionable-to-carry-in-inhabited-areas nature of the weapon make it not currently practical for actual use. The lab itself is fascinating though, and he leaves with a good rapport established with the staff there.
-  * TODO: Roaming Vendor's final tinkering.+  * Roaming Vendor tinkers with their medigun, trying to incorporate aspects of the Tesla Claw weapon he trialed into it. This succeeds, and he is able to cement this with Mark II into a permanent defensive capability when resuscitating a patient.
 ===== Consequences ===== ===== Consequences =====
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   * +1 Clout with the Aspexx Advanced Weapons Laboratory Staff on the //Starlight Ebbing//.   * +1 Clout with the Aspexx Advanced Weapons Laboratory Staff on the //Starlight Ebbing//.
     * N.B. This does not stack with other Aspexx Clout, but is much more specialised.     * N.B. This does not stack with other Aspexx Clout, but is much more specialised.
-  * TBC: Tinkering / Mark II results.+  * Mark II: 3 times per Mission, while healing a character on 0 hits with your medigun, you may call MASS ZAP.
 {{tag>mission misty_brook roaming_vendor}} {{tag>mission misty_brook roaming_vendor}}
  • shared/mission/aspexxpo.1657838103.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/07/14 22:35
  • by james