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shared:mission:a_spaceport_in_a_storm [2022/02/20 19:47]
shared:mission:a_spaceport_in_a_storm [2022/02/20 20:27] (current)
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   * Another problem soon emerges. Steel Spark is unable to open the airlock. They've identified another entrance though - via the heat vent. Vendor rigs up some improved heat protection into their suits and they manage to make their way back into the spaceport.   * Another problem soon emerges. Steel Spark is unable to open the airlock. They've identified another entrance though - via the heat vent. Vendor rigs up some improved heat protection into their suits and they manage to make their way back into the spaceport.
   * Steel Spark suggests they meet up with Iron Pyrite who is apparently doing a job for Industrial Diamond. On the way there, they pass by a group of loader bots and a welding bot which unexpectantly attack, knocking out Steel Spark. Thankfully they are brought around, though they don't escape being loaded into the trash chute. Vendor and Angel disable the bots with extreme force and lower a winch cable down into the trash compactor to pull out Steel Spark.   * Steel Spark suggests they meet up with Iron Pyrite who is apparently doing a job for Industrial Diamond. On the way there, they pass by a group of loader bots and a welding bot which unexpectantly attack, knocking out Steel Spark. Thankfully they are brought around, though they don't escape being loaded into the trash chute. Vendor and Angel disable the bots with extreme force and lower a winch cable down into the trash compactor to pull out Steel Spark.
-  * +  * Returning Steel Spark safely to their office, Vendor and Angel go to find Industrial Diamond, just in time to see him trick Iron Pyrite into an airlock and set it to open into space. They waste no time in overriding the airlock and taking down Industrial Diamond and his security bots.
 ===== Aftermath ===== ===== Aftermath =====
-  * Bullet points of what characters did in the aftermath of the mission+  * Industrial Diamond is taken into custody, awaiting trial. Steel Spark takes on the role of Acting Overseer and supplies considerable evidence against their former boss. 
 +  * Guardant Angel reports back to her superior officer. With some asking around and pulling rank, Guardant Angel is able to gauge that the command of //Her Glorious Command// has an interest in the development of the Tertiary Spaceport, considering Mytene to be the most developed planet in the system and that it should have a spaceport fitting for Altarian dignitaries. However, with the Orion gate down, that is currently a low priority. Captain Abiding Storm appreciates the report but is currently unwilling to expend too many resources. She does assign a Logistical Advisor though, both to support Steel Spark and keep an eye on the situation. 
 +  * Roaming Vendor passes on the recipe for the anti-mite inoculation. He is also able to make a number of other sales. The medical centre purchases a small number of the Dr GUTS MD medigun for distribution to medics working in dangerous areas on a trial basis, with the possibility of further sales in the case of positive reports. Steel Spark invests in some improved security systems. Iron Pyrite expresses interest in a lot of construction tools but is currently saving her budget to make sure the workers' wages get paid. 
 +  * While working, Roaming Vendor hears a voice, though no one around him is speaking and they don't seem to hear anything. "Your honour, my client has devoted his career to promoting the place of Mytene and advancing its people. The prosecution will argue that Industrial Diamond deliberately and recklessly sabotaged his own project for personal gain. The defence will prove that my client is a man who had exceptional responsibility under exceptional circumstances and the strain of that responsibility led to an error of judgement. My client poses no risk to the public and as such a custodial sentence would be a waste of public resources. Instead, my client would benefit from the rest and recuperation of early retirement, perhaps on the beaches of sunny Siruta..." There is a furore of anger, disbelief, and ridicule. "Order! Order in court!" The banging of a gavel turns out to be a colleague knocking at the door.
 ===== Consequences ===== ===== Consequences =====
-  * Breakdown of consequences for characters - rewards, effects, contacts. 
-  * Also mention any wider consequences for the world 
 ==== All Characters ==== ==== All Characters ====
-  * Consequences +  * 3 Clout with either the Mytenean Industrial Corps or the Mytenean Societal Corps, or Clout to spend on any other faction.
- +
-==== Character ==== +
- +
-  * Consequences +
- +
-==== Character 2 ==== +
- +
-  * Consequences +
 {{tag>mission roaming_vendor guardant_angel warded_path}} {{tag>mission roaming_vendor guardant_angel warded_path}}
  • shared/mission/a_spaceport_in_a_storm.1645386423.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/02/20 19:47
  • by iain