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shared:mission:a_rare_day_out [2022/02/27 15:23]
thespaceinvader [Aftermath]
shared:mission:a_rare_day_out [2022/02/27 15:24] (current)
thespaceinvader [Consequences]
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 ===== Consequences ===== ===== Consequences =====
 +  * The MIC are in possession of enough information to figure out some of the nature of the uniqueness of Mytene’s terraforming seed, of which Forever Depth was aware, and should the gate be re-opened, will likely be able to bolster Mytene’s application for Enhanced Social Status with it.
 +  * Aspexx are also in possession of all of the data - they accept, grudgingly, the map having been given to Affinity by Harmony in order to have a copy themselves.  Should the gate re-open they might be able to use this information to enhance their own reputation in the Co-operation, and potentially influence future terraforming efforts.
 ==== All Characters ==== ==== All Characters ====
  • shared/mission/a_rare_day_out.1645975428.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/02/27 15:23
  • by thespaceinvader