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shared:endgame_plot_threads [2023/11/08 22:30]
shared:endgame_plot_threads [2023/11/28 17:30] (current)
Line 13: Line 13:
 | The schism in the Elegy | Heightened Serendipity | | The schism in the Elegy | Heightened Serendipity |
 | Discover the cause of the gate explosion, and any ways to fix it, re-contact wider civilisation etc | Gathering Flow | | Discover the cause of the gate explosion, and any ways to fix it, re-contact wider civilisation etc | Gathering Flow |
-|Resolve the Ace/HGC conflict | Desiring Peace |+| Resolve the Ace/HGC conflict | Desiring Peace 
 +| SQUEEPLE | No characters yet but Phil interested in writing | 
 +| Vyix 9A stuff | Heightened Serendipity |
  • shared/endgame_plot_threads.1699482610.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2023/11/08 22:30
  • by thespaceinvader