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Anyone is free to edit this information and add Monsters of their own creation. ==== Decaying ==== === Connector === Towering, glowing being which lumbers slowly behind the main force of Decaying, bolstering them. * 2 hits per Monster (minimum 6 hits) * Call MONSTERS HEAL (you don't take this) once every 20s. * Call MASS DRAIN when struck in melee. * 1 x melee weapon for defensive fighting only * **Decaying** === Crusher === Elite tanks of a Decaying force, usually made up of twisted rusting metal or bodies of the dead. * 18 hits * 1 x one-handed melee weapon * 1 x BIG SHIELD * **Decaying** * **Armoured** * The Crusher is immune to ranged damage from the front. Always call PING to such damage. * The Crusher is immune to effects that strike its shield. Always call PING to such effects. * **Vanguard Shield** * Other Monsters may take Cover behind the Crusher while it is stationary for 2 uses of MISS. === Deflector === Towering, glowing being which floats in the void of space. * 5 hits per Monster (minimum 10 hits) * 1 melee weapon, pointed out usually * Spin slowly and call PULL on anything in your line of sight. * Call MASS PULL when struck in melee * **Decaying** * **Static** === Dominator === Enormous manifestation of destructive decay. Witnessed only once at the fall of Vyix 9A. * ??? hits * 2H weapon(s) * ??? abilities * MASS STRIKEDOWN on every step. * Call PING to every effect. * **Decaying** === Grappler === Nasty barbed creatures that specialise in pulling prey toward them in order to devour them. * 6 hits * 1 melee weapon * **Decaying** * **Barbed Grapple** - 1 use of YOU: PULL every 20s. === Infector === Recently infected creature that is in the process of rapid decay * 6 hits * 1 melee weapon * **Decaying** * Call DRAIN every 5 hits you make or take * Call MASS DRAIN upon being reduced to zero hits == Greater Infector == Horribly decayed creature harbouring large amounts of decay that spreads easily through anything it touches. * 9 hits * 2 melee weapons * **Decaying** * Call DRAIN every 5 hits you make or take * Call MASS DRAIN upon being reduced to zero hits * Call CURSE on anyone who is unconscious * Curse is Latent Decay - the next Severe Injury effect you suffer will have a Decay flavour === Launcher === A twisted defense turret that turns its once defensive purpose into brutal offence * 8 hits * 2H weapon * 10s charge for either of YOU: BLAST or YOU: PEW. * 1 use of YOU LOT: PUSH defensively * Non-Static, moving horribly and grindingly * **Decaying** === Lesser Dominator (Decayed Dropship) === == Decaying Hull (x1) == * 20 hits * 2H weapon * May call BREAK with every hit * **Decaying** * **Big** * Move incredibly slowly but call MASS STRIKEDOWN with each step * Ignore MASS STRIKEDOWNs from other Monsters * No qualms about calling EXECUTE on downed players. == Decaying Engine Pod == * 8 hits * 1 1H weapon * **Explosive** - Call MASS STRIKEDOWN on death. * **High Velocity** - Fast moving, keep moving - if you hit a solid object immediately lose all your hits. PUSH and PULL only modify your course. * Ignore MASS STRIKEDOWNs from other Monsters * **Decaying** === Seeker === Standard grunts of a Decaying force, usually made up of twisted rusting metal or bodies of the dead. * 3 hits * 1 x one-handed melee weapon * **Decaying** * **Relentless** * If a Connector is present during the encounter, don't disappear when you drop to 0 hits, wait to be healed and get back up again on 3 hits. * If a Connector is not present, revive 3 times to 3 hits before finally dropping. * Call PING to EXECUTE. === Skulker === Decayed sapient creature capable of maintaining some of its faculties from life but loses them as it interacts with the world. Crafty and vicious, it’s essentially a zombie until its brain finally can’t cope and it becomes a mindless mess. * 9 hits * 1 improvised weapon * **Playing Dead** * You are dead on the floor until such time as you are interacted with by the players or combat kicks off. * You are under a compulsion to emotionally hurt the player characters. * After about 60s of having any faculties, these will break down and you possess no more capabilities than the average decaycreature. * **Decaying** * Call CURSE every 5 hits you make or take * Call MASS DRAIN upon being reduced to zero hits === Stinger === Buzzing, loud, fast-moving creature. Teams up with other Decaying creatures to weaken their targets. * 1 hit * 1 x one-handed weapon * Freely call DRAIN by melee * 2 waves (re-appear off the edge of the encounter and call NEW MONSTER) * **Decaying** * **Sharpseeker** - Buddy up with a larger Decaying and help them take on targets === Stinger Swarm === Many smaller stingers working together * 5 hits * 1 x one-handed weapon * Freely call DRAIN by melee * 2 waves (re-appear off the edge of the encounter and call NEW MONSTER) * **Decaying** === Tracker === A highly decayed bipedal creature. It has no sense of sight, but has lethal attacks and is difficult to defeat single-handedly. * 12 hits * 1 x melee weapon * **Blind Fervour** - Move jerkily, move slowly when not alert, and follow sounds you hear. Make clicking and screeching noises to indicate your mood. Don’t actually close your eyes. * **Decaying** shared/bestiary/decaying.txt Last modified: 2022/10/14 15:18by katie