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running_a_mission [2022/01/09 20:01]
katie created
running_a_mission [2023/03/18 09:26] (current)
katie [How do I use the Decay?]
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   * Every LARP needs 2 people to GM it - you (who will likely be guiding the players and describing the world), and your Co-GM (who will stay with the Monsters and explain the encounters, provide stats, and set everything up).   * Every LARP needs 2 people to GM it - you (who will likely be guiding the players and describing the world), and your Co-GM (who will stay with the Monsters and explain the encounters, provide stats, and set everything up).
-  * Find someone who is happy to Co-GM (remind them they get a juicy XP once the Mission Report is written up if they need persuading!) and give them a copy of the Mission you've got planned.  Ideally do this in advance so they can ask questions.+  * Find someone who is happy to Co-GM (remind them they get a juicy XP once the Mission Report is written up if they need persuading!) and give them a copy of the Mission you've got planned.  Ideally do this in advance so they can ask questions.
     * If you're struggling to find a Co-GM, email the Ref Team and we'll help you out!     * If you're struggling to find a Co-GM, email the Ref Team and we'll help you out!
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   * Monster stats should be designed to push characters, but shouldn't be designed to kill them unless they do something foolish.   * Monster stats should be designed to push characters, but shouldn't be designed to kill them unless they do something foolish.
   * Most monsters should be simply statted and have a vastly less wide range of capabilities compared to a player character. A few powerful NPCs could be statted like characters, but these should be the exception rather than the rule.   * Most monsters should be simply statted and have a vastly less wide range of capabilities compared to a player character. A few powerful NPCs could be statted like characters, but these should be the exception rather than the rule.
-  * For more information on statting see the [[Bestiary]].+  * For more information on statting see the [[shared:Bestiary]].
   * Consider as well introducing twists and environmental modifiers to help flesh out your encounters - see [[Environmental Hazards]] for inspiration.   * Consider as well introducing twists and environmental modifiers to help flesh out your encounters - see [[Environmental Hazards]] for inspiration.
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   * The Decay is, of course, a big part of the world of //Planetfall// and we would encourage every Mission to have multiple Decay encounters.   * The Decay is, of course, a big part of the world of //Planetfall// and we would encourage every Mission to have multiple Decay encounters.
-  * Aside from taking inspiration from the [[Bestiary#Decaying]] section of the Bestiary, there are some useful things to keep in mind when writing the Decay:+  * Aside from taking inspiration from the [[shared:Bestiary:Decaying]] section of the Bestiary, there are some useful things to keep in mind when writing the Decay:
     * Decaying creatures are not sapient and are barely capable of even imitating sentience.  They're a force of nature, ultimately.     * Decaying creatures are not sapient and are barely capable of even imitating sentience.  They're a force of nature, ultimately.
     * Decaying encounters should be characterised by prevalence of DRAIN calls, and (for particularly nasty encounters) BREAK.     * Decaying encounters should be characterised by prevalence of DRAIN calls, and (for particularly nasty encounters) BREAK.
  • running_a_mission.1641758506.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/09 20:01
  • by katie