Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksExport to PDFBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Player Characters ====== A list of all characters in the //Planetfall// system, giving information on stats, backplot and interesting plot hooks picked up over the course of their adventuring career. [[Register for an account]] and once registered, you can log in and create a character page here. To create a new character page, simply enter their name below and click create. A new page will be created on the wiki with a template character sheet for you to fill in. Don't use punctuation! <form> Action template _ shared:player_character: Fieldset "Create a new Character Page" static "To create a new character page, simply enter their name below and click create. A new page will be created on the wiki with a template character sheet for you to fill in. Use underscores instead of spaces, and avoid punctuation!" Textbox "Character Name" "=" @ /^[^\/: ]+$/ submit "Create" </form> ===== Active Characters ===== {{topic>pc -retired -@PAGE@&nodate&sort}} ===== Retired Characters ===== {{topic>shared?pc +retired&nodate&sort}} player_characters.txt Last modified: 2022/06/02 18:33by susannah