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player_characters [2022/06/02 18:21]
player_characters [2022/06/02 18:33] (current)
Line 9: Line 9:
 Fieldset "Create a new Character Page" Fieldset "Create a new Character Page"
-static "To create a new character page, simply enter their name below and click create. A new page will be created on the wiki with a template character sheet for you to fill in.  The page name will include underscores, but write the name here as you want the name itself to look (i.e. use spaces between words), and avoid punctuation!"+static "To create a new character page, simply enter their name below and click create. A new page will be created on the wiki with a template character sheet for you to fill in.  Use underscores instead of spaces, and avoid punctuation!"
 Textbox  "Character Name" "=" @ /^[^\/: ]+$/ Textbox  "Character Name" "=" @ /^[^\/: ]+$/
 submit "Create" submit "Create"
  • player_characters.1654194099.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/06/02 18:21
  • by susannah