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energy_regimens [2021/11/03 20:45]
energy_regimens [2022/01/08 15:55] (current)
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   * You start every Mission with a stockpile of 130 Energy.   * You start every Mission with a stockpile of 130 Energy.
-{{ ::detonator.jpg?250|}} 
-===== Detonator ===== 
-Detonators use Energy that they have no claim to //immediately//, drawing it out of the world around them rapidly.  They then suffer a cooldown as the Energy balance around them restores, during which they are vulnerable.  Unlike other Energy Regimens, those using Detonator tactics can only afford to use one ability at a time and cannot store Energy. 
-==== Detonator Regimen ==== 
-  * You cannot store Energy. 
-  * When you use an Ability that costs Energy, you may use it immediately for free but cannot use another Ability for 10 seconds per Energy afterwards. 
-    * e.g. Spend 3 Energy to call STRIKEDOWN, cannot use another Ability for 30s. 
-  * If a call would cause you to gain Energy then your current cooldown is reduced by 10s per Energy you would have gained. 
-  * If an effect prevents you from gaining or spending Energy then you cannot use Abilities for that duration. 
-==== Detonator Mastery ==== 
-  * The cooldown is reduced to 7s per Energy. 
-  * The cooldown reduction from calls that would cause you to gain Energy is still 10s. 
 ---- ----
  • energy_regimens.1635972350.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/01/08 15:51
  • (external edit)