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combat_rules [2022/08/29 18:42]
katie [Positive Effect Calls]
combat_rules [2023/02/13 08:35] (current)
katie [Modifiers] Added FATAL
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   * To reappear, drop your fingers and call WARP again.   * To reappear, drop your fingers and call WARP again.
   * Other conditions may be specified by the ability that gives you WARP.   * Other conditions may be specified by the ability that gives you WARP.
-  * While you are in WARP you are still subject to any relevant SCAN calls that occur. 
 ---- ----
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   * This affects everyone so long as they hear the call.   * This affects everyone so long as they hear the call.
 +=== FATAL <X> ===
 +  * FATAL is a modifier on other calls (e.g. FATAL BURN).  If you can PING the call <X> that FATAL is attached to then you may PING the whole call as usual.  If you cannot PING the call then as well as taking the effect of the call you also take the effect of FATAL which drops you immediately to 0 hits.
 +  * //Example://
 +    * //a character with a PING to STRIKEDOWN is hit by FATAL STRIKEDOWN; they use their PING and nothing else happens.//
 +    * //a character with no sources of PING PUSH is hit with FATAL PUSH; they are knocked unconscious at 0 hits and their body is flung 10m.//
 ==== Game Calls ==== ==== Game Calls ====
  • combat_rules.1661798545.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/08/29 18:42
  • by katie