Cares primarily for the goings on of Ace's World, and less so for off-world affairs. Supports ACE, dislikes bandits, and has little else to say. Broadly uncurious about the powers that have found them.
Species: Human
Class: Startouched
Ship Heart: Ace's World
XP: 13
Rank: 2
Hits: 5 + 6
Background: Starsighted
Concussion Bolt (Scion 1)
15 seconds hand held overhead to call YOU: STRIKEDOWN
Heartburn (Scion 1)
10 seconds hovering hand along length of weapon to call BURN on next strike
Meditate (Scion 2)
60 seconds fingers to temple to meditate on a course of action and gain a minor bonus from Ship Heart while pursuing that course of action
In combat: three uses of GAIN X where X is a call from an unmodified gesture-only ability
Out of combat: minor bonus at GM discretion equivalent go gaining a once-per-encounter call
Visionary (Scion 2)
2 uses of MISS per encounter out of cover
Space Between Space (Voidheart 1) + What We Do In The Shadows (Voidheart 2)
5 seconds waving through the surrounding air to call WARP
Can remain hidden as long as desired (unless broken by MASS or YOU LOT)
May move and perceive while moving, but may only reappear at start location
If unable to return to start location or broken out, take BREAK ALL LIMBS on reappearing
Use the Land (Voidheart 1)
5 seconds pulling up from the ground to gain an additional MISS from current cover, once per cover
Starfinder (Voidheart 1)
Can find way to a destination that has been described
Can tell direction to nearest Ship Heart in range
Reality Check (Voidheart 2)
Can see through holographic ruses
Once per encounter, see if someone is lying to you
Heartbeat (Bulwark 1)
10 seconds hand outstretched towards target in reach to call HEAL
Repairing Barrier (Bulwark 1)
10 seconds hand flat on chest to restore 1 hit of Solar Barrier
Guidance (Bulwark 2)
Prepare an unmodified gesture-only ability that calls X to instead call GAIN X on a target in reach
Solid Barrier (Bulwark 2)
+2 Solar Barrier hits
ACE: 9
NPC Relations
Ace's High
Has the attention of
Clubs Chance
Big Blind (Bandit Captain)
An animatronic razormonkey which exists somewhere on Ace's World
Other Stuff
A signed copy of Nine Bold's notes for the campaign from Sightseer