Table of Contents

Sonorous Tone, Mystic Divine - (Rose)

Background / Bio

Pronouns: (it/its)

Sonorous Tone was raised in an Arcana mystic sect, comprised mostly of those who were not Startouched and affiliated with the Leading Edge, that was marginalised by the recent rising power of Azuria in the area. It was taught from birth (especially during the transition into uneasy peace) that the theocratic and Divine sects approach to Star Hearts is the height of foolishness.

The true knowledge of their Startouched nature remained a mystery, until its sect were able to see Siruta themselves by pulling out from under Azuria's thumb. The power, and connection, thrummed in their bones like a chime from the cosmos, and Sonorous Tone knew that all it had been taught was wrong.

Never truly abandoning its Arcana-laced worldview, Tone knew now that the Ship Hearts were pin pricks of something far greater. Something that the startouched should, and must, fully embrace. Tone cast aside their name and pronouns, and reforged themselves as Sonorous Tone (an it in the image of the Hearts).

It travelled from ship to ship, and planet to planet, in hopes of communing with (and understanding) the patchwork quilt of divinities the cosmos held, until it was swept off its feet by Her Glorious Command. It was perfect - a true resonance and communing.

Since then, Tone has remained often aboard Her Glorious Command to more embrace that Heart, though the opportunity of feeling the undeniable life of another Heart is a pleasure rarely denied. After The Incident, Sonorous Tone is eager to aid the fellow denizens of its home system.




Combat Summary

