Table of Contents

Red Nine

Pronouns: She/Her

Background / Bio

Born on Ace's World, Red Nine has always been aware of the role of fortune in her life. A well placed bet here, a lucky streak in cards there, stumbling into the right person in the right casino at the right timeā€¦ it got her around. Eventually, though, Nine became increasingly aware that fortune wasn't the only force in her life: she sought out the Sect of the Divine on Ace's World and they introduced her to the light: that while Vyixian Luck was always at play, there were those favoured few on Ace's World who had the attention of the original Ship Heart: Ace's World. From then on, Nine knew that she was doubly blessed: once by her own familial fortune, and once by the Ship Heart of her home.

Nine now works to further her power and her blessing: she believes that perhaps in Ship Hearts not only lies the opportunity for blessing, but an opportunity to take control of the very force of Luck itself.




