Table of Contents

Under The Radar

Initial Brief

 >>> Incoming Transmission
 >>> Source Identifier: Mytenean Societal Corps #Mytenea
 >>> Destination Identifier: #TE3-Firebrand #Her Glorious Command #Starlight Ebbing #Muse IX #Endeavour #Unquiet Journey
 >>> Subject: Individuals of Initiative Sought to Investigate Illegal Activity
 >>> Message Begins

The Mytenean Societal Corps have been reviewing Mytenean trade relations and have discovered conerning discrepancies in some recent trade activities. We have suspicions that some of Mytene’s natural resources are being smuggled to other worlds without proper authorisation, taxes or trade negotiations.

We are looking for self-motivated individuals to track down a lead we have recently received, uncover the truth of this possible smuggling operation, and return Mytene’s resources if they have been taken illegally.

 >>> Message Ends
 >>> End Transmission




Manifold Ghosts

Guardant Angel


Manifold Ghosts

Guardant Angel

Wider World