Table of Contents


Initial Brief

>>> Incoming Transmission
>>> Source Identifier: Dazzling Sand # True Siruta 
>>> Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Endeavour#Unquiet Journey#*
>>> Subject: Freelance Pathfinding Expertise Required
>>> Message Begins

True Siruta needs valuable assistance!

The founding of a new lumber yard on the far side of the mainland of True Siruta has found us needing to forge a new path for a supply route between the great storage houses of Siruta (The Chest) and our new lumber yard (East Point). Ever threatened by the Scourge from the coast, and those who might seek to disrupt us on land, True Siruta seeks volunteer explorers to scout out and establish a safe route between The Chest and East Point.

With the news of the Orion Gate’s failure, it is more essential than ever that True Siruta establishes these supply routes! Those who assist will be greatly respected in our eyes.

I look forward to seeing the esteemed volunteers who will commit themselves to such a vital task!

Dazzling Sand

Infrastructure Adviser to Bright Sunset

>>> Message Ends
>>> End Transmission





All Characters except Foul

Delicate Harmony

Foul Rid