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The Man In The Moon

Initial Brief

# Incoming Transmission
# Source Identifier: Dr Neatly Birch
# Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Unquiet Journey#*
# Subject: Expedition to Hive I
# Message Begins

For the attention of the Keter System’s most daring explorers.

As you are no doubt aware, the Hive V Observation Station is tasked with the ongoing observation and analysis of the assumed anomalous terraforming outcome on Hive IV. However, on occasion the orbital conditions of Hive’s moon system permit us limited windows of observation onto Hive I, II, and III. Although these moons are unterraformed, we leverage these opportunities in case they shed any further light on their condemned sibling.

During one such recent opportunity, we have detected an anomalous signature coming from Hive I that warrants further investigation. As the observation window is rapidly closing and the signature shows signs of being mobile, I would like to commission an expedition to the affected area of Hive I in order to gather samples and perform reconnaissance.

Expedition participants should assemble at the Hive V Observation Station for briefing. It goes without saying that this expedition will involve an unquantified but plausibly significant exposure to manifestations of the Decay; I trust all applicants will bear these dangers in mind. Assuming that the expedition returns successfully from Hive I, there may be follow-up tasks depending on the samples gathered.

Thank you for your generous assistance.

Dr Neatly Birch Manager, Hive V Observation Station

# Message Ends



OC Note: the mission was abandoned at this stage due to OC inclement weather. Participants still receive XP as normal.



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