Table of Contents

The Heart Of The Matter

Initial Brief

Colleagues, associates, mercenaries for hire,

After spending two months assessing the situation, the crew of the Firebrand have authorised the Unquiet Journey to organise a mission to investigate the malfunctioning Ship Heart Endeavour. The goal is to determine what has gone wrong, how the situation may be remedied, and whether the Endeavour is likely to be salvageable afterwards.

The risk level is high, assumed lethal. All we know for certain is that shortly after the last full scale expedition to Hive IV, the Ship Heart systematically disabled life support, power to systems, and withdrew Decay protection without consideration for the safety of its crew.

We do not know what will await us now.

Explorers will be compensated greatly, with priority for space on this mission going to former crew of the Endeavour itself.

Yours, Reassuring Heresy Captain, Unquiet Journey





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Warded Path

Gathering Flow

Budding Leaf

Endless Flame