Table of Contents

The Call

Initial Brief

Incoming Transmission
Source Identifier: X. Worshipful Portent, Mystic Divine # Her Glorious Command
Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Endeavour#Unquiet Journey#*
Subject: Rescue Operation
Message Begins

To those who follow the light of the Ship Hearts through the dark,

Her Glorious Command has opened our ears to a call we must answer, a plea for help from deep beneath the ice of Kylal. The Mystics Divine seek those who would delve on our behalf, to follow the call, and uncover the fortuitous discovery Her Glorious Command compels us to uncover.

The respect of the Mystics Divine, nay, of Her Glorious Command itself, will be given to those who take up this call.

I humbly await your responses,

X. Worshipful Portent, Mystic Divine

Though times are hardest than we’ve seen,
Though stars are far with nought between,
Though Decay and darkness fill the night,
Our Hearts shall guide us to the light.
- Unknown Fathoms, Mystic Divine, 134 ALW

Message Ends
End Transmission





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