Table of Contents

Terms Of Service

Initial Brief

To whom it may concern,


The Aspexx Corporation hereby provides the statutory notice to those presently unlawfully occupying the plot of land on Keter 6A “Ace’s World” centred on 42.3N 18E (otherwise known as “Fableland”) that as per failure to respond to the final notice for financial compensation to the rightful owner (contactable via the Aspexx Corporation) for such occupation, all present on the site will be required to leave immediately.

Failure to comply will violate Galactic Cooperation Accord on the Recently Settled Planetary Bodies 24.3.5 Subsection 3.


Dark Water
Agent Without Portfolio
On behalf of the Aspexx Corporation

– Message broadcast to Fableland and delivered on foot.

“Hear ye, hear ye! The King of Fableland calls for aid as our town will soon be beset by marauders and mages most foul! Gold and glory shall be given to those who can save our humble town!” – Town crier call in Fableland

“What, no, I didn’t ask for that. Go find out what’s going on. What? No I don’t care who, I’ll pay mercenaries, but I’m not arguing with Aspexx while we’re in a fight with the Altarians. Sort it out.” – Overheard in Ace’s Casino





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Blind Rising

Iron Cold