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Pirated Footwear

Initial Brief

Raging forest 2162 requests your presence at his mansion estate on Siruta to aid him in a matter of life and death. … please

“My boots have been stolen” he rages. “Stolen. You understand I must get them back, I simply must. They are…precious to me. Taken by the two-faced, mendacious, upstart pirate Drifting Stream. I thought we…never mind. The point is he's stolen my boots and I must get them back.”

He rants to you at length the history of the boots, going back many generations, and is soon screaming incoherently about ancestry and the importance of good footwear during formal occasions. When he is finished screaming himself hoarse, and has had time to calm down with a large cup of tea, he explains that there is going to be one opportunity to recover the boots before they are sold to a mysterious buyer. Stream's ship is due to dock for repairs on Ace's world, and an enterprising team might steal aboard to recover the stolen items before they disappear forever.

That enterprising team would of course be rewarded most generously, doubly so if they were also able to capture Stream for interrogation on who hired him to steal Forests boots.





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