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Orbital Decay

Initial Brief


>>>The novel lifeform candidate designated KETER-X-579.6-1 was first reported by the crew of the Slingshot Asteroid Miner on asteroid MX9784-6255 who described it as "like some weird fungus growing all over the [...] place". Its existence has yet to be verified. Some[who?] have cast doubts on the possibility of extant life existing on an asteroid.

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Fungus sapiens

Fungus sapiens is a sapient fungal species discovered on a comet in the Keter Borderlands star system, originating in the unexplored Upsilon Tau K825 system. There is only one known member of the species, currently resident on the planet Mytene in the Keter Borderlands.


While the fungus itself is a single species, it is able to produce a variety of semi-independent mushrooms adapted to specific purposes. Most notable are the ambassadorial mushrooms which grow to around 1-2m in height and have a wide convex pileus (cap) which contains specially adapted lamellae (gills), capable of producing sound by expelling air through them. Different sounds are produced in distributed areas of the cap which allows the mushroom to produce speech. Another mushroom, known informally as the copy cap, appears to be a primitive learning body, capable of mimicry of observed behaviour and sounds. The copy cap has a parabolic cap and a narrow stem which branches into a secondary cap used as an appendage. Other mushrooms include defensive entities such as the puffball launcher, a mushroom with a cylindrical cap, capable of launching an explosive ball of spores. Variations have been observed the ability to spray an acidic liquid which runs through veins on the cap.


An analysis of the trajectory of the comet designated MX9784-6255 indicates an origin in the Upsilon Tau K825 system, 4.8ly away from the Keter Borderlands. K825 is unexplored but long-distance analysis has not indicated any planets in the habitable zone. It has been deemed unsuitable for terraforming by Aspexx. However, a large asteroid belt exist between the inner planet K825b and the first of two gas giants, K825c. A hypothetical fifth planet, K825f, may once have existed and been destroyed by a planetary-scale cataclysm which could have resulted in the comet and the Fungus sapiens being expelled from K825.


Fungus sapiens has the ability to sense the full electromagnetic spectrum of radiation and draws sustenance from specific wavelengths. It is theorised that the species was able to survive the long journey between systems in a dormant state, consuming background cosmic radiation.

Discovery and Relocation

The first report of Fungus sapiens came from the Slingshot asteroid mining ship and was verified by a research team from the Galactic Cooperation Technological Zeitgeist Research Department ship, Endeavour, led by noted botanist Budding Leaf and their research assistant, Wretched Export. Due to the imminent destruction of the comet MX9784-6255 on which the species was discovered, resulting from orbital decay toward the Keter star, the decision was taken to relocate the Fungus sapiens to a remote location on Mytene.

Budding Leaf

Wretched Export