Table of Contents

Finale [DRAFT]

Initial Brief

“g8s r made of PEEPLE, pass it on” - One of many uninvited messages seen on less-secure display screens across the system.

“In a plea to Ship Hearts system-wide, noted expert Delicate Harmony appealed for any Ship Hearts that felt a strong bond to another and were willing to consider his plan to make themselves known. In a related request, any Startouched considering involvement in Aspexx’s controversial proposal were also invited to get in touch.” - News report.

# Incoming Transmission
# Source Identifier: TE3-Firebrand
# Destination Identifier: *
# Subject: The Future of the Keter Borderlands
# Message Begins

These are unprecedented times. In the interests of securing a productive, successful, and above all peaceful outcome that is in the best interests of both the Keter Borderlands and the wider galaxy, the Galactic Cooperation hereby invites all concerned parties to a Special Conference aboard the Firebrand. Let us all work together.

# Message Ends





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