Table of Contents

Delivery Request

Initial Brief

Incoming Transmission 
Source Identifier: Scattered Proposition, 15th Mistic of the Ship Heart known as Unquiet Journey >>> 
Subject: Delivery Request >>> Message Begins:

After catastrophic damage to Mining Sector 26B beneath the surface of Mytene, our great benefactor – Unquiet Journey – has shown an interest in hiring a small team of mercenaries to deliver a message.

With its communication array destroyed, there is currently no way to contact those few remaining souls within Mining Sector 26B without the use of a physical letter. Unquiet Journey seeks to deliver one such letter to a contact known only as Dire Straits who currently resides deep within the collapsed mine. 

If you are reading this message, that means you have been selected by Unquiet Journey as a suitably experienced operative for this mission: one capable of discretion. This mission may involve sensitive information. We ask that you keep such knowledge – and any impertinent questions you might have – to yourself if you wish to take part. 

Delve into the mine, deliver the message, and leave. Should this proposal be of interest to you, I shall be waiting at the entrance to the collapsed mine with the letter for you to deliver. 





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