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Beetle Drive

Initial Brief

>>> Incoming Transmission
>>> Source Identifier: Ninth Truth # Kylal Botanists
>>> Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Starlight Ebbing#Muse IX#Endeavour#Unquiet Journey#*
>>> Subject: Beetle Drive
>>> Message Begins

Explorers, scientists, and combat-capable individuals sought for an expedition into recently charted tunnels on Kylal in order to round up cave beetles that may serve as a major food source as well as a degree of pest control. Combat experience is essential. Beetle-fighting experience is a bonus. This is Kylal: dress appropriately.

Respondents should meet with Ninth Truth at the surface-side Primary Access Outpost on Kylal two days from now for orientation and briefing.

>>> Message Ends
>>> End Transmission





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Gathering Flow

Budding Leaf