Table of Contents


Initial Brief

 >>> Incoming Transmission
 >>> Source Identifier: Aspexx Marketing Corps #Starlight Ebbing
 >>> Destination Identifier: TE3-Firebrand#Her Glorious Command#Muse IX#Endeavour#Unquiet Journey
 >>> Subject: Volunteers Sought For Corporate Marketing Opportunity
 >>> Message Begins

Despite the challenging times, we are pleased to confirm that this year’s AspExxpo is going ahead! Graciously hosted by Mytene's finest convention space, Aspexx will demonstrate its latest cutting edge technologies to the whole system’s enquiring minds.

Due to most of the Aspexx Marketing Corps being centrally galactically located, we are looking for capable volunteers to augment our marketing, customer feedback and resource management activities during the Exxpo. People skills and crowd control skills a plus.

 >>> Message Ends
 >>> End Transmission





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Misty Brook

Roaming Vendor