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Energy Regimens

In Planetfall, characters generate Energy in different ways. These methods are called “Regimens” and can be switched out between Missions freely.

Playing 3 Missions in a row with the same Regimen unlocks the Regimen Mastery ability until a different Regimen is chosen.


Generators naturally generate Energy when given time to rest and recoup. They are one of the more common Energy regimens, owing to having a latent pool of Energy to call upon, and can be resilient as they are able to duck into and out of combat situations having recharged their abilities.

Generator Regimen

Generator Mastery


Siphoners produce energy when they take or deal damage. Training in Siphoning often involves use of a kinetic energy suit in the early stages as the trainee gets used to the combat style, but with practice the skill can be mastered without need for a suit.

Siphoner Regimen

Siphoner Mastery


Chanellers receive energy from a Ship Heart they have bonded with by making and maintaining a connection with that Ship Heart (provided it is in the same Star System as the Channeller). Mystics are most commonly associated with Channelling, but any individual with enough patience to get to know their Ship Heart can use this method to channel energy.

Channeller Regimen

Channeller Mastery


Accumulators prepare in advance of their expeditions away from their ships by amassing units of Energy that they can expend at will. They normally have no means of generating any more Energy than they bring with them.

Accumulator Regimen

Accumulator Mastery

Assimilator (Locked - Background Required)

The mechanical-organic hybrid Various are capable of extracting power from the mechanisms that make up the universe. By consuming the world into themselves, they generate Energy to fuel their own abilities.

Assimilator Regimen

Assimilator Mastery