Table of Contents


Characters in Planetfall come from a variety of backgrounds which bestow various Abilities and resources to them. Player Characters may select 1 Background by default and do not need to do so at Character Creation.

Though Backgrounds inherently suggest some parts of your character's backstory that you may wish to incorporate, it is down to you how you choose to do so.

Mystic Acolyte

You have been part of one or more of the Mystic Sects in your life. Perhaps you are still a devout, or perhaps you've moved on and still kept connections in your life. Whatever your connection, you're still able to draw on your past.

Mystic Contacts



At some point, and perhaps still, you had rank within an organised Navy (military or otherwise). People would have reported to you and respected you, and some of that respect and power persists with you now.

Pull Rank

Summary Punishment


You're not technically meant to be here. For whatever reason, the ship you find yourself on didn't originally include you on the manifest, and well, now you're here. You'll have spent a lot of time getting used to the internals of your ship and perhaps know how to get places you really shouldn't.

Vent Crawler

Make Do and Mend


You have been trained in how to pilot vehicles - specifically, spacecraft. Perhaps you served time in a Navy, or maybe you were an independent hauler. Did you pilot vast ships through the stars, or a sleek fighter between asteroids? However you learned, these skills have stuck with you and are applicable beyond the cockpit.

I'll Drive



You are skilled in research and plumbing the depths of reality to make sense of it. Perhaps you were employed by a corporation like Aspexx to come up with new improved mechanisms, perhaps you're a volunteer biologist within the Zeitgeist Research Department, or maybe you were a contractor for the Elegy concocting new means to manage targets in High Decay environments. Whatever your training, you have a mind for research and can apply this to uncover secrets of the universe.

Laboratory Analysis

Field Analysis


At some point you gained implants that bestow a minor superhuman ability on you. These don't make you a Various (far from it) but give you a small advantage over the unaltered.

With all technology, interaction with the Decay is risky, and those with Cybernetic implants will find these impaired by Decay itself.

Discuss with the Refs an enhancement you wish to have installed. You gain a Minor and a Major effect from this at the penalty of taking a BREAK on the relevant part of your body whenever you suffer from DRAIN.

(OC Note: players with this Background are reminded to conduct themselves with particular sensitivity with regards to real world disabilities and prosthetics)

Minor Enhancement

Example enhancements:

Major Enhancement

Example enhancements:


“Starsighted” is a broad umbrella term that describes those who have an affinity with the universe, but not so strong or manifest as the Startouched. Though they lack the powers of the Startouched they report visions and hearing things they could not possibly know about. As far as can be determined, those with such gifts are selected randomly, and whether those gifts manifest from an early or late age is indiscriminate. You are one such Starsighted. When you discovered this and how is entirely up to you, but your gifts will always be a part of you once discovered.

(N.B. While it is possible to be both Startouched and Starsighted, this is neither required nor necessarily that common. Being Startouched does not imply being Starsighted, nor does being Starsighted imply that you might become Startouched one day.)

Hearing Things

Impossible Knowledge


You are a member of the Elegy, the organisation tasked with removing elements from the galaxy that would otherwise cause considerable issues for galactic peace. The organisation, which runs on a strict moral code, will expect assignments to be completed and reported back to superiors but has considerable resources at its disposal to assist its members.


Elegy Resources


You are a high ranking member of the Altarian Dynasty - someone who can trace their inheritance to the elite of Alta, and thus is in line to the inherited power of the Throne of Alta itself. Your word carries weight, even in the borderlands, and you strictly outrank any other Dynasts of lower order of succession. When you take this background you should decide what your family heirloom that proves your Dynastic heritage is.

You may choose to play a low ranking Dynast without this background but will of course not reap any of the benefits.


Weight of Worlds


Your roots are in exploring the great unknown. Perhaps you're skilled in excursions into unmapped areas of planets, perhaps you're a professional recon scout, or perhaps you're just a really skilled caver. However your interest in exploring, you've gained valuable skills that aid you in the dangerous outdoors.

Favoured Terrain



In any vast galaxy, there are always going to be those avoiding Cooperation regulations and looking to make a little extra on the side. Like you! Perhaps you were a smuggler, or perhaps you were more of a full time ship-hijacking dignitary-ransoming scourge of the space fare-ways. Whether your piratical days are behind you, or an active part of your motivation today, your underhanded tactics will give you an advantage.

A Little Something For Me

Fighting Dirty


You don't care about getting down and dirty with the solid mechanical workings of the world around you. Try as the Decay might, the machines of the world are alive and ticking and you're here to make sure it stays that way. Perhaps you had an apprenticeship, perhaps you make your own way as a tinkerer, perhaps you worked for an established company in a factory. However you know it, you've got a real knack for machines.

Dabbler Tinkerer

Take It Apart