====== Wretched Export ====== //Player: James// //Pronouns: he/him// //Character originality: beyond low// ===== Background / Bio ===== Conspicuously heavily armed for a mechanic, Wretched Export set out from Vyix IX to see the galaxy and go on adventures, always armed with the right tool for the job. ===== Stats ===== * **Species:** Vyixian * Backup daggers (claws) that are immune to BREAK * Take BURN for 3 seconds longer than usual * **Class:** Commando * 30 seconds of uninterrupted roleplay to SELF HEAL FULL * 2 uses of Determination per Mission to immediately SELF HEAL FULL * If reduced to 0 hits, may continue fighting for 10 seconds, ignoring all damage; take a Severe Injury to extend this by 1 minute * **XP:** 34 (+2 unspent) * **Rank:** 5 * **Hits:** 30 * **Background:** Mechanic * 1 use of Tinkering per Mission * Disassemble something in Downtime === Abilities === * Fancy Footwork (Enforcer 1) * 2 hits for melee PARRY * Melee Weapon Prowess: Blunt Weapon (Enforcer 1) * 2 hits for melee STRIKEDOWN with blunt weapon * Melee Weapon Prowess: Daggers and Claws (Enforcer 1) * 2 hits for melee BREAK with daggers or claws * Sweeping Strike (Enforcer 1) * 3 hits for 'melee' YOU LOT: STRIKEDOWN * Combat Roll (Enforcer 2) * 2 hits and take a STRIKEDOWN to PING a single-target effect call * Only works if not already under effect of STRIKEDOWN * Hold the Line (Enforcer 2) * 2 hits to PING to PUSH or PULL * Melee Finesse: Blunt Weapon (Enforcer 2) * 2 hits for melee BREAK with blunt weapon * Melee Finesse: Daggers and Claws (Enforcer 2) * 2 hits for melee SLOW with daggers or claws against target's legs * Combat Tactician (Enforcer 3) * While flanking (attacking enemy also engaged with an ally), gain one free use of a Melee Prowess or Melee Finesse call * Blunt Weapon: STRIKEDOWN, BREAK * Daggers and Claws: BREAK, SLOW to legs * Swashbuckler (Enforcer 3) * Every 3 strikes blocked with melee weapon, gain PARRY (may only store one at a time) * Incredibly Hardened (Enforcer 4) * +4 hits (already folded into total) * Grenadier (Gunslinger 1) + Bombardier (Gunslinger 2) + Demolition Expert (Gunslinger 3) * 5 grenades per encounter * Grenade: call YOU: BLAST at one target within 2 metres of landing spot; complete misses do not use up the grenade * Once per mission, out of combat, discuss with GM to use demolition expertise to blow something up (that is accessible) or to otherwise apply nous. * Ranged Weapon Prowess: Single Pistol (Gunslinger 1) * 2 hits for PING to a blocked melee strike in other hand to single pistol * Ranged Weapon Prowess: Two Handed (Gunslinger 1) * 2 hits for next successful charge to be 3 charges instead of 1 * Power Shot (Gunslinger 1) * 2 hits for ranged YOU: STRIKEDOWN * Scattershot (Gunslinger 1) * 2 hits for ranged YOU LOT: PEW * Elemental Ammunition: Fire (Gunslinger 2) * 2 hits for YOU: BURN with charged weapon * Elemental Ammunition: Ice (Gunslinger 2) * 2 hits for YOU: SLOW with charged weapon * Elemental Ammunition: Electric (Gunslinger 2) * 2 hits for YOU: ZAP with charged weapon * Iron Sights (Gunslinger 2) * 2 hits and 3 seconds aiming to increase range to entire encounter space * Ranged Weapon Finesse: Two Handed (Gunslinger 2) * 2 hits to YOU: PUSH within 5 metres * Recon Sniper (Gunslinger 3) * Once per encounter, out of combat, may spy on targets in vision and find out what they're saying. * Once per mission, out of combat, may use position and range to fire a devastating sniper shot - state what you're shooting and GM will determine effect. * Spray and Pray (Gunslinger 3) * 2 hits to instantly charge weapon * Tactical Cover (Gunslinger 3) * When in cover with an ally within 1 metre also in cover, may charge weapon twice as fast * Flamethrower Attachment (Gunslinger 4) * 3 hits for YOU LOT: BURN * Rocketeer (Gunslinger 4) * 3 hits for YOU: BLAST * Tesla Coil (Gunslinger 4) * 3 hits for YOU LOT: ZAP * Tactical Reload (Gunslinger 5) * Charge 2 shots instead of 1 * Burly (Tough 1) + Beefy (Tough 2) + Brawny (Tough 3) + Mighty (Tough 4) * +8 hits (already folded into total) * 1 STRIKEDOWN per encounter * May apply incredible strength out of combat * May take a Severe Injury to continue fighting 60 seconds post unconsciousness === Factions === * Unassigned Clout: 3 * Ace's High: 8 * Zeitgeist: 3 * Her Glorious Command: 1 * Altarians: 6 * Private Enterprise, 509: 5 * Epicureans: 3 * Firebrand: 2 === NPC Relations === * Die Loaded * Friendship: getting arrested is just a risk of doing business, and they did kinda betray you first so fair game. * Nemesis: But y'all did still get them arrested, so... === Other Stuff === * Fableland Knighthood * 55gp (tradeable for 1 Clout with anyone who has a use for gold) * Fought and helped name the Scourge Admiral Wiggles * Natter * A robot companion on a tripod that cannot move but can remember and regurgitate information: * It can recall 3 pieces of information at a time * It can answer simple questions about its information if sufficiently well defined * It has an annoying personality when spoken to, but only speaks when it is spoken to ===== Missions ===== {{topic>mission +"wretched export"&nodate&nouser}} {{tag>pc "wretched export"}}