====== Gunnery Sergeant Desiring Peace ====== //Pronouns: // He/him ===== Background / Bio ===== Desiring Peace is from a military lineage, and was set to enter Galactic Co-operative Peacekeepers from a relatively young age, following in the footsteps of their broodsire. They are dedicated to their service, and to the avoidance of violence wherever possible - but their philosophy definitely leans heavily on the 'prepare for war' element of the old adage. They took up a position on the Firebrand long before it entered the Keter system, and have been living on board for quite a long time, advancing to a senior NCO position, and intentionally rising no further, since they like their level of responsibility and ability to stay active in their current stage. They are not huge for a Chirrid, and usually seen dressed in a relatively traditionalist manner, with a long sleeveless coat in the Peacekeeper colours, a range of webbing, belts, and bandoliers containing supplies and weaponry, and a hardwearing unitard underneath, with their arms and legs free of clothing and usually painted in long-wearing paint in PK colours with their service symbols and rank insignia painted on their shoulders. Their legs from mid-thigh down are surrounded by a mechnanical exoskeleton, which is glued onto and screwed directly into their carapace. ===== Stats ===== * **Species:** Chirrid * **Class:** Commando * **XP:** 21 * **Background:** Cybernetics - Cybernetic Knee Replacements * **Hits:** 32 === Abilities === Rank 1: Tactical Recovery Commandos keep themselves in the fight by maintaining rechargeable energy sources which allow them to unleash powerful abilities, then make a tactical withdrawal to resupply and recover their resources before charging back into the fight. Commandos have a base 14 hits. Commandos can spend hits to power their abilities. With 30s of uninterrupted roleplay, Commandos may recover all of their hits. Rank 1: Determination Twice per Mission, through sheer force of will, a Commando may immediately HEAL FULL themselves. If they choose, they can do this in response to being reduced to 0 hits. Rank 3: Combat Mastery At Rank 3, Commandos become even more hardened. Commando base hits at Rank 3 are increased by 4. Rank 1 - Burly You have trained and have become tougher and more resilient. Gain +2 max HP. Rank 2 - Beefy Requires Burly You've been at the weights! You're stronger and tougher than before! Gain +2 max HP and 1 STRIKEDOWN per Encounter. Rank 3 - Brawny Requires Beefy You didn't miss leg day - you are now very strong and built like a house. Gain +2 max HP. Utility Ability: You are incredibly physically strong and can apply this out of combat by discussion with a Ref. Rank 4 - Mighty Requires Brawny Others may not like it but this is what peak physical performance looks like. Gain +2 max HP. You may, if you wish, push your body past its breaking point. By taking a Severe Injury, you may continue fighting for 60s after you should have been knocked out. Ranged Weapon Prowess Cost: 2 Hits Select a Weapon Type, you may use its ability when using that weapon Single Pistol - call PING when you block a strike with a melee weapon in your offhand. You may pick this Ability multiple times for different weapon types. Scatter Shot Cost: 2 Hits Call YOU LOT: PEW. Grenadier Gain a single Grenade per encounter. Bombardier Requires: Grenadier Gain 2 more Grenades per Encounter. Covering Fire Cost: 2 Hit Call YOU: PEW immediately against someone attempting to attack an ally. Triage Cost: 2X Hits Call HEAL: X to a target within reach. Ranged Weapon Finesse Cost: 2 Hits Single Pistol - gain 1 use of BREAK by melee with a melee weapon in your offhand. Elemental Ammunition Cost: 2 Hits Pick one of the following calls. You may use this Ability to make that call instead of YOU: PEW with a charged weapon. Options: YOU: BURN Demolition Expert Requires: Bombardier Gain another 2 grenades per encounter. Utility Ability Once per mission, when out of combat, you may use your demolition expertise to destroy something you have access to - or otherwise apply your nous. Discuss what you would like to do with the GM and they will determine the outcome. Recon Sniper Utility Ability Once per encounter, provided you are not in combat, you may spy on targets that are within your vision. Ask the GM what they're saying. Once per mission you can make use of your position and range in order to fire a devastating sniper shot. Discuss with the GM what you would like to hit and they will determine the effects. E.g. blowing up a fuel canister to injure a bunch of enemies, taking out a commander from a distance. Hazard Suit You always take BURN, SLOW, and ZAP at a maximum of 5s. Fancy Footwork Cost: 2 Hits Call PARRY. Hold the Line Cost: 2 Hits Call PING to PUSH or PULL. Cybernetics You gain a Minor and a Major effect from this at the penalty of taking a BREAK on the relevant part of your body whenever you suffer from DRAIN. Minor Enhancement You may utilise your Minor Enhancement once per Encounter. Cybernetic Knee Replacements - call PING to STRIKEDOWN. Major Enhancement Once per Mission you may utilise your major enhancement. Cybernetic Knee Replacements - you launch into the air! Call WARP as you fly through the air, reposition, and crash land calling MASS STRIKEDOWN. Devourer's effect Roleplaying Effect: You feel emotions more keenly, particularly those of grief or loss which quickly can spiral into despair. When you feel despair are inclined toward destruction and lose regard for safety. Mechanical Effect: Spend 3 hits to call DRAIN by melee. Iron Will You may call PING against EFFECT: X calls that would affect your morale. For example, EFFECT: FRIGHTENED or EFFECT: WEARY. Incredibly Hardened Your base hit points are increased by a further 4. Rank 3 - Gambit Utility Ability Once per Mission, when not in Combat, you may attempt to push your luck and pull strings to get your way with a person or a faction you have been talking. You must be able to contact the people you are attempting to manipulate, and cannot perform a Gambit on a member of a faction you have Negative Clout with. Perform a Tinkering, with the following effects: On a mundane failure, nothing happens. On a minor success, you are able to get part of what you want achieved. On a major success, you are able to get most of what you wanted. On a perfect success, you are able to get what you want and gain 1 Clout with a relevant Faction. On a failure, you lose 5 Clout with a relevant Faction, and a relevant individual will become your Nemesis. Each Consequence you suffer will lose you 1 Clout with the relevant Faction. This Tinkering use is in addition to any other uses you may have. Spray and Pray Cost: 2 Hits Instantly charge your ranged weapon. You must still spend the 1s aiming to fire it. Tactical Reload When you charge a shot, you may charge 2 shots instead of 1. You must still spend 1 second aiming each shot. === Factions === * Firebrand - 8 Clout * HGC - 4 Clout * Elegy: 10 Clout * Ace's World: 7 Clout * Friendship with Club's Chance, owner of Club's Club, and her fight promoter ===== Missions ===== 6 August 2022: Mayday (2) - 1XP, 4 Clout with HGC, -4 Clout with ACE 28 May 2022: Overkill - 1XP, 3 Clout with Firebrand 14 May: Monstered, 1XP 17 April: GMed, 2XP 9 April 2022: co-GMed, 2XP 29 Janury 2022: High Time - 1XP, 3 clout with Aces High, +45 Chips (later agreed as 1 Clout) {{topic>mission +"gunnery sergeant desiring peace"&nodate&nouser}} {{tag>pc "gunnery sergeant desiring peace"}}