====== Faulty Banks ====== //Pronouns: they/it// ===== Background / Bio ===== //accessing cybernetic memory implant (Aspexx.mem.4060)>Error accessing storage. Contact Aspexx technical medical device support. COMPOUND ERROR>Personality Support Matrix unstable Troubleshooting... Solution:reverting personality support to high sidgestability Forregn body detected>identity:squeeple Forregn body detected>identity:kill count tracking chip ! WARNING! HIGH DECAY LEVELS DETECTED! DO NOT CAUSE DAMMAGE TO AUTO-BLESS SYSTEMS!// ===== Stats ===== * **Species: human** * **Class: various** * **XP:** * **Background:cybernetic** === Abilities === * Ability 1 * Ability 2 === Factions === * Faction 1 - Amount of Clout * Faction 2 - Amount of Clout ===== Missions ===== {{topic>mission +"faulty banks"&nodate&nouser}} {{tag>pc "faulty banks"}}