====== Budding Leaf ====== //Pronouns: They/Them // ===== Background / Bio ===== //Add a description of your character and their backstory here// ===== Stats ===== * **Species:** Qiate * **Class:** Specialist * **XP:** * **Background:** Researcher === Abilities === * Armourer * Battlefield Repairs * Mark II * Mechanic * Shock Absorption * Advanced Armour * Repair Drone * Communicator * Lifeform Scanner - Plants * First Aid * Expertise - Botany * Adaptive Scanner * Experienced Tinkerer * Feedback Loop * Physician * Additional Expertise: Holograms * Ambidrone * Frequency Attunement * Combat Medic * Professor * Blind Steal * Hacker * Tradecraft === Factions === * Endevour - 5 * Zeitgeist - 14 * Her Glorious Command - 4 * Borderlands Botanists - 13 * Card Table hacker collective - 4 * Ace - 4 * Aspexx - -2 ===== Missions ===== {{topic>mission +"budding leaf"&nodate&nouser}} {{tag>pc "budding leaf"}}